Helpful Hints

Monday, August 15, 2011


Kindergarten Lesson Plan

 Grab Bag Idea to describe “I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold”.

American Flag:  He was an American Painter. (self portrait inside flap of book)

5:  He painted “5” in tribute to his friend William Carlos William (put the initials WCW, nickname “Bill” and Carlos inside painting

Fire truck:  Idea from poem by W.C. –Williams (read poem)

Medicine:   Describe how he limped and was ill with diabetes his entire life 

Toy House:  He spent entire 54 years of life in his birth home in Pennsylvania

Book:  Based paintings on stories and novels he enjoyed

Watercolors:  He used mainly watercolors (p. 45 circus)  demonstrate watercolors

Apple:  Known for fruit paintings (p. 75) and “5” is hanging in the “Big Apple”, New York Metropolitan Museum of Art.

Flower –best Known for still life's and flower pieces  (p. 78)

Asked children what picture would sound like?  Night or day?  Cold or hot?

Do you like this picture?

Asked who was 5 years old?

Sang 5 little turkeys

Color book as I read poem

Snack:  5 Life savers

5 little turkeys sitting on a gate, the first one said, “Oh my it’s getting late”.  The second one said, “I’m ready for some fun”, the 3rd one said, “Let’s run and run and run”, The 4th one said, “There are hunters in the air”, The 5th one said, “We don’t care” and “Whooo” went the wind and out with the lights and 5 little turkeys flew out of sight.

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