Helpful Hints

Tuesday, September 27, 2011





John Constable Time line:

John Constable History:

Lesson:  We talked about the artists life and how he painted what was "outside", discussing the colors of the park and that "Plein Air" means painting in the open air.  I put the following items in a big NON- see-through bag:  4 dogs, a ziploc sandwich bag with cotton balls representing clouds, a cow, a horse, a sheep, a barn, a tree, 2 birds, a duck, a rainbow, a wheel, and a mom with child.  I used as many of these as objects as I could and then I used a couple of pictures for the others.  I mixed them all up and let the kids take turns picking an object out of the bag.  I brought in the John Constable book, (which is located in the packet in the library).  I made many tabs (they're still on the book) showing what was in the pictures so when they picked out an object, I opened the book to the picture so they could find it in the picture. 

Then, I handed out this coloring page and a handful of cotton balls:
While the kids colored the picture and glued the cotton balls on the sheep, I laid out 2 big quilts on the floor.  We then had our picnic in Wivenhoe Park with Capri Suns and cookies! 

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