Helpful Hints

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Henry Ossawa Tanner - The Banjo Lesson

Write name of artists and painting on the board.

Ask  "What do you see?"  Questions and discussed painting:
     Relationship?  Could be grandparents
     Rich or poor
     what is on walls?  floor?  in the background?

Told about living where the wonderful southern black people love music, love family, love to talk about Jesus.  Favorite food in south is catfish, collards, hush puppies, and banana pudding

Talked about Tanner's life by pulling things out of a basket.
     (mention prejudice and how it hurt his feelings)
     (mention biblical story paintings)

Served Banana pudding with vanilla wafers in pre-dished cups with a spoon.  While they ate played pictionary of something your grandma or grandpa taught you do to.

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