Friday, September 9, 2011


Art: process or porduct of putting things together that pleases the senses or stimulates emotions. Makes you think or feel, or helps the artist tell something.

Artist: anyone can be an artist. When you make music, writte a story, make a sculpture or a pot or a picture. When your mom bakes a cake or pllants a garden or your dad builds a fence.

Do they like picture? Yes or No? Why or why not? Do you like the color? The subject?

Edward Hicks was born April 4, 1780. 4 years after the Declaration of Independence was written. During the time of the Revolutionary War where we became the United States. He was the Quaker religion. Quakers believe in Pacifism, (opposed to war or fighting), social equality, (everyone is equal no matter what race, religion, color, sex), integrity (honesty, trustworthiness), and simplicity (not living with a lot of material things), jewelry, TV, video games.

We've all seen a Quaker before. Show Quaker Oats man. Dressed Simply.

Edward Hicks apprenticed to a carriage maker. His specialty was painting the emblems on the side of a carriage or making signs. After he was done with his apprenticeship he started his own painting business. Later some of his fellow Quakers thought his painting was too frivolous and he gave it up for farming. Unfortunately, he wasn't good at farming and become more in debt. He then took up painting again.

Hicks make more than 100 different versions of Peaceable Kingdom.

Notice the lion and the lamb, the children amongst the leopard and the bear. Usually these animals and children do not get along. The lion, the leopard and the bear would eat the lamb, goat and children. But not in this picture. They seem to be getting along. In the background the Indians and colonists are also getting along.

What Holiday does this remind you of? THANKSGIVING! The painting also reminds me of Noah's ark where the animals all get along as they go into the Ark.

Now what do you think of the painting? Do you like it more? Enough you'd want it to hang in your house?

Make an animal that we can make Mrs. Dillard's Peaceable Kingdom.
Name on the front to show that we all can be next to each other and get along.

Oatmeal cookies for children made from Quaker Oats.

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